Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Christmas Card for 2009

Though my card will go out late this year... better late than never! These are my daughters Anika (7 about to be 8) and Jaida (4 going on 14!)! They take up all my time but I know it will all be worth it some day when I am old and grey.

4 more pages for Pam's Album

I am happy that Christmas is over. I have had a very stressfull December and will never take for granted feeling good and healthy again. I can still not feel my lower face or teeth on the left side and at this point all I can do is wait. The worse part of our holiday season was a very horrible flu that ran through our house - one by one my whole family (11 of us) became very ill. It took a week before we all felt normal again. So now I am back at the computer and trying to finish things.